Dali Hili
1 min readJan 22, 2021


A throwback

We are now on the 21st day of 2021. So today I’m going to talk about this exact same day but in 2020.

It’s been exactly one year now, I still remember what I was doing at that time. I was in the university studying English, I’ve been always patinated by English and I wanted to be much better at it, so that’s what pushed me to study it.

But after some time in the university, I started to feel bored due to the system of the university and the ways used to teach us. So my goal now is to study and at the same time look for something that will gather both English and IT, because I also love IT.

That’s exactly what I planned and what I did. My thoughts worked as I planned and I’m now studying something that combines both English and IT.

